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Q: You are 12 and weigh 90 pounds should you lose weight?
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Should you lose weight if your 11 and you weigh 138 pounds?

HECK ya u should!!! ur a fattie if you weigh 138 pounds!

Are you at a proper weight at 12 you weigh 192 pounds is that bad?

I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry. I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry.

What should a 4'11 11 year old who has not gone through puberty weigh?

If you are fairly strong and weigh from 100-110 pounds your fine and don't lose weight, if you weigh more, lose weight. If you are fairly weak and weigh from 70-90 pounds your fine don't lose weight, if you weight less lose weight. If you weight 90-100 pounds weak or strong your PERFECT don't EVER think your over weight. For an 11 year old girl who hasn't had puberty then you will soon and when you do then take my advice

How much weight should you lose if you weigh 151 at age 10 years old?

about 10 pounds

Should you lose weight if you are 9 and weigh 93 pounds?

This will depend on your height but if you are reasonably small in height and weigh this much at 9 then yes, weight-loss would be acceptable.

How many pounds did you lose in terms of water weight If you used to weigh 120 now you weigh 110?

You lost 10 pounds of water weight.

If you weigh 132 pounds and want to weigh 85 pounds how much weight would i need to lose?

You have lose 47 pounds.From Chris,Ethan,and Elvin

If you weigh 190 pounds how many calories should you eat a day to lose weight fast?

1,500 calories a day

5'3 12-year-old girls should weigh?

I think they should weigh 110 pounds!!! When I was 12 I was 5'3" and anywhere from 89-92 pounds. I always believed I was overweight and was always trying to lose weight.

You weigh 370 pounds and you want to lose 200 pounds?

54% of your total weight is a lot to lose. You must consult a doctor. If you succeed, you will weigh 170 pounds after it's all over.

I am a girl that is 5'3 tall and I weigh 125 pounds how could i lose weight or is that the right amount I should weigh?

you should be about 9.5 stones Do not worry. Obviously, you are becoming a woman. You are perfect.

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'4 and weigh 128 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

About 1500 calories