you probably won't have regular periods for a few years - if ever. some adults still have irregular periods and have to go on Birth Control in order to regulate them. unfortunately, your will be very unpredictable (late, early, long, short, heavy, light) for a while. so don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you, it's normal!
If you have your period and you miss it, age does not matter. Usually missing your period means you are pregnant. But periods do come late. If you have had sex then you should probably take a test.
The usual ages for a girl to start her period is about 11-17 however some people are early and others are late so it really depends on you.
11 years old grils get pimples when the have their period.
Most young girls generally get their first period when they're 11+ years old.
It varies from person to person. I got my period when I was 11 years and 9 months old. I have family members that did not get theirs until they were 16 and 17 years old.
Hey there!Periods can start as early as age 8 or as late as age 16! There is no way to tell when a girl will get her period though. hope i answered your question!Lots of love,Ali
On average, somewhere between 11 and 16 years old.
Yes, every girls period comes at a different time. Even if your 11. It's totally natural.
Well it can be from 11-15 years old.
Here is the complete list. Laval: about 11 years old ( preteen) Cragger: also about 11 years old ( preteen) Eris: about 12 or 13 years old Gorzan: 18 years old LaGravis: in his fifties or so Crooler: 14 years old King Crominus: late fourties Queen Crunket: late fourties Leodinas: about 15 years old Longtooth: in his sixties That's all we have for now
No, it's not bad at all for an 11 year old not to have started menstruating yet. The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old, but anything up to 16 years old is considered normal, so at 11 there's no problem if you're not menstruating.
Yes as long as you had your period and either had an egg fertilized or had sex.