Female stripes
The perfect gift for a 46 year old female is something that will include a subject that interests her. If you have no clue, then a pair of nice earrings will do.
- iPod or iPhone - Makeup Gift Set - Perfume Gift Set - iTunes Gift Card - Clothes / Shoes or something they have been wanting for years! :)
Hailie Is Eminem 12 Year Old Daughter, 13 This Xmas..!
only if you want it to be Famous Answerer !3 year old Female
Depends on who it is. if it is a wife, purses or jewelery would do good. maybe a scarf or wallet too.
What is a normal cholesterol for a 51 year old female
Depending on her taste, and your budjet: Something personal, possibly hand-made. Women want something special!
a 27 year old woman.
Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog is a good gift for a 17 year old boy.
no :) aslong as they dont have sex.