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Q: Would pure isopropyl alcohol evaporate faster then isopropyl alcohol mixed with water?
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Would pure isopropyl alcohol evaporate more quickly or slowly that a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water?

Pure alcohol evaporates faster than pure water. A mixture of the two will slow the evaporation of the alcohol.

Would alcohol evaporate faster than water?


How many hydrogen atoms are in 5 molecules of isopropyl alcohol?

Each molecule of isopropyl alcohol contains 7 hydrogen atoms. ln 5 molecules of isopropyl alcohol there would be 35 hydrogen atoms.

How many ml of isopropyl are present in a 70ml bottle of rubbing alcohol?

Assuming it is 90% by volume isopropyl alcohol, then 70 ml of rubbing alcohol would contain 63 mls of isopropyl alcohol.

Which would evaporate faster ginger ale or salt water?

Ginger ale will evaporate faster but when it does evaporate it produces smoke

Is isopropyl alcohol the same as denatured alcohol?

Isopropyl alcohol and rubbing alcohol are not the same thing. For most uses, yes you can. This is because: • Rubbing alcohol may contain either isopropyl alcohol or ethanol. • Rubbing alcohol is a mixture of compounds (type of denatured alcohol) whereas isopropyl alcohol is not.

What would evaporate quicker rubbing alcohol that has been refrigerated or unrefrigerated?

Unrefrigerated since the warmer it is the faster it will evaporate, Just like if u leave water under the hot summer sun for too long it will be gone faster then cold water

What would you predict is the density of 1 liter of isopropyl alcohol?


What is the smell of isopropyl alcohol 70 percent?

Isopropyl alcohol has a rather strong alcohol smell. If you were to smell regular alcohol and smell 70% Isopropyl alcohol you would have the same smell. However, there is no general way to explain it other than a strong bitter and sometimes sweet smell. It depends on solely your olfactory membranes. Smell's are after all different to everyone.

Is isopropyl alcohol a mixture or pure substance?

Isopropyl alcohol itself a pure substance. It is a compound. However, it is sold as a mixture of the alcohol itself and water.

Does rubbing alcohol or pepsi evaporate?

At RT, rubbing alcohol would evaporate in a quicker time as its boiling point is less than that of water.

Would you use a beaker or a graduated cylinder to measure isopropyl alcohol?

Graduated Cylinder.