Why have you tried the asses of both a well trained girl and the average guy? you should compare a well trained girl to a well trained guy otherwise its not a very fair comaprison. For me, i have found that well trained girls asses are much less firm than the average guy.
Fellow ass-lover
It depends... On the girl's riding level Disposition of the horse Is the horse trained? If the Girl's a beginner and the horse is calm and trained then that would be good but if the horse is untrained i would not recommend it. If the Girl is a fairly advanced rider I would say the horse would be fine for her. Just remember the horse is young and probably spooky will be a brat sometimes. So keep your patience and hang on tight.
32A or 34A would be average bra size for a 12 year old girl.
Average weight would be 125 pounds.
I would say 28B to 30B, about average.
As every individual is different, I can't answer this question exactly. But an average boy would be stronger than an average girl who knows judo.
This average would be distorted, as there are so many overweight people, but the healthy weight for a girl of 5 foot would be between 90 to 110 pounds
The average for this would be distorted, as there are so many unhealthy people, but the healthy weight for a girl of 5 foot would be between 90 to 110 pounds.
it means like a group of people taking turns on a girl
An average would be about 7-8 or 8-9
There is an average range of height that an average 12 year old girl would fit into but people develop in height faster and slower than others.
the optimal weight of a 5 year old girl would be 39.6lbs
the average weight of that would probably go to 115 pounds