Well I guess if a girls says bye to you alot and with enthusiasum or blushes when she says bye she probably likes you.
If she just says bye she likes you as a friend or a small crush.
But she has to care about you abit to say goodbye.
i am Colleen, and i am a girl...... i'm sorry, but i can't tell you my name because it is strictly confedential.... Thank you for your time... Bye Bye... im missmilli i am a girl i am in hi school umm i didnt need to kno dat..
that means she thinks u dont care enough to answer her
School Girl Bye Bye was created on 1997-11-01.
Well... she either didnt enjoy it, was only using you for it, or maybe she was just in a hurry and forgot to say bye.
In the entire history of the world... I would have to go with the Roman Empire.
her internet might have just messed up, my internet messes up some times signing me off.. don't worry :) Or you might have said something that bothered her..? Or she had to go and didnt have to to say bye..?
This girl in a tv show.
Well girl just want you to be honest with them but remember if she likes you and you becom boyfriend and girlfriend and you break up with them then it would be bye bye to friendship but I think you can do this buy her flowers or earring or a necklace
SuperGals - 2001 Promise Bye-Bye Kendo Girl 1-12 was released on: USA: October 2010
It goes bye bye down the toilet
No Because You Need To Make Them With A Boy And A Girl.
Dont rain on my parade from funny girl is great for kim, and so is the song i enjoy being a girl from flower drum song.