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sorry i don't understand ur question try to type it a diiferent way or something because that's NOT how u aske a question =/

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Q: Women want to spend money if they smell this?
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women spend money on clothes more than shopping because they want to show off in front of women whilst walking in the streets. they do this like a fashion show

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i think it depends how i want it , if you do like it so much i will spend a mount money on it !

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Do I want to save my money or do I want to spend it on something I want now?

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They spend money.

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he want to spend his money bye giving it ti charity.

Why do people want the job to mummify people?

I think they did this to get money. I know they smell bad but they just want the money.

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About 100 percent more than the cars are actually worth. You want actual money figures you need to search auto surveys>

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spend it is Ur money don't expect to save it is Ur money do what you want

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There's no single answer to that, it depends on how much money you want to spend and what kind of riding you want to do.

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i think that kids should beable to spend their money on what ever they like to buy because its their money so why not

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What does money burns a hold in your pocket mean?

That you are conscious of your money, and usually want to spend it.