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Q: Women looking for men
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You found personal adds that your boyfriend visited on his computer which were women looking for women and also men looking for men and what do you do now?

dont be afraid to confront him about it

Which country only have women?

We (men) are still looking for it.

Is any woman looking for a male Dom?

Most women that are looking for men do not look for men with a certain name. Women look for men that have certain qualities and characteristics that are important to them both in look and personality.

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it is said that wealthymatching is site for people looking for wealthy men and women.

Where can you get Floral Boxer Shorts?

Are you looking for men's of women's boxers.

Is looking at other women in your presence cheating?

Men are going to look at other women, even in the pressence of the woman they are with. Looking is not cheating.

Why do girls and women become obsessed with men who are like Hercules?

Some women are attracted to the physical appearance of strong and healthy looking men.

Why do men like looking at nude women?

they lovin da virginia

How do women feel about men looking at other women?

hurt if they like the man but personally I don't care

Are there women looking for men to force feminize?

Yes, there are women who force feminize men. Some may actively seek out men to force feminize and others may just be drawn to men they can dominate.

Where can you find a site that is for men looking for women with short hair? search " men looking for women with short hair" I like short hair too, but I don't search for them on the internet. I search them in the real world.

When looking for someone to whom they can confide their personal worries women usually turn to women and men usually turn to women?

Because women listen.