I have never heard oregano would have any impact on birth control pills and we eat it all the time.
oil is a type of poison which can kill fish and wild life if not careful.
Yes, Fish Oil is a blood thinner making it difficult to control bleeding.
Fish oil should not cause a change in the color of your bowels. It may affect how often you go to the bathroom.
Oil is a NONRENEWABLE resource, because you can't make more oil, like from giving birth. Example: Fish are RENEWABLE resources, because the mommy fish give birth to little eggs, that hatch and grow to become a fish, and so on.
probably except it might not have been round the spill
While eating fish is not a good idea for a gout victim. Taking Omega3 fish oil capsules has been recognised as being beneficial to gout sufferers both in reducing inflammation and as a pain control.
It clogs there gills then they suffocate.Oil is very poisonous and toxic. Not only does it cover and coat the gills suffocating fish and other species, but long term effects are still not really understood. If oil is spilled along the coastal shore or dumped where it can drain into rivers, fish and other aquatic animals can suffer long term illness, birth defects, and with direct exposure they can and do often die. Birds are effected by oil spills as well as fish, and the oil travels up the food chain.Krill and other food eaten by fish, or further down the food chain are also affected. Generally their populations are lowered, creating food shortages for fish.
The government had to take control of the oil production because it was going ka-boom.
If it did people would not have heart attacks, people would buy it by the gallon. There is no proven evidence that it does.
They can dump oil and gas from the motor and that can kill fish because of the chemicals. Another way is the pollution. They can throw things in the ocean by accident and if fish breathe it in, they can die.
Many people affect oceans by throwing their trash into the sea, killing them and catch them for entertainment for ocean parks. Sewage Water is sometimes pumped into the ocean which may affect many fish, Oil spills are also very dangerous to both birds such as seagulls and fish. I hope this was useful.