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Wait what?? What the hell do you mean by that? Is that a complete thought?? Well, I'd have to asnwer yes. Glad I could help.

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Q: Winchester lever action rifle 2520
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What is the value of serial number 339775 2520 lever action Winchester?

Depending on condition but if the rifle is a model 92 the value is probably 300 to 1000 dollars.

How old is your 2520 mod 1892 sn 442080?

Your Winchester model 1892 lever action rifle was made in the year 1907,with the serial number that you have supplied.

What is the age of a Winchester lever action rifle 2520 serial number 007828?

What Model Winchester is it? Based on the partial serial number given, it could be either a Model 92 or a Model 65. As a side note, Winchester never used leading zeros in a serial number... there should be a "1" preceding the "007828".

What year is my Winchester 2520 riffle the serial number is 841160?

You do not state which model of Winchester you have? If you have a Winchester model 1892,then your rifle was made in 1917.

Price on model 1892 Winchester 2520 cal?

Value of a 1892 2520 winchester

What is a 2520 nickel plated Winchester rifle worth?

Almost nothing unless you can prove it left the factory with a nickel finish.

Last year Winchester made the rifle 2520?

25-20 is a caliber, not a model number. If the gun is a lever action, it's probably a model 1892, which were made up until WW2. In that caliber, it's probably from the early 1900's. If you go to: select the proper model number and enter the serial number, it will give you the date the gun was made.

Did Winchester make a model 1773 in 2520 caliber?


What year was a Winchester 1892 2520 serial 656176 made?


What is the value of a Marlin 94 lever action 2520 007828?

Impossible to answer without knowing the condition. Digital photos sent to the below email address will help. Right now, anywhere from $200-$2000.

What is a Winchester model 53 2520 nickel steel worth?

50-500 USD or so depending on condition

What is the value of Marlin 2520 1904 pump action with a hexagon barrel?

100-500 USD