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Your Winchester model 67 is valued at between 75-175 dollars,based on it having between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.

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Q: Winchester 67a value
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What is age of Winchester model 67A?

the Winchester model 67a was prouduced from 1934 to 1963

What is the value of Winchester 22 cal MD 67a?

15-250 usd

What is the value of a Winchester Model 67A rifle?

Depending on condition they can range from 50-200 USD.

How much is a Winchester Model 67A boy's rifle with a 20inch barrel and no serial number worth?

The value of a Winchester Model 67A boy's rifle with a 20 inch barrel depends on its condition. This gun in excellent condition is valued around 100.00 as of 2014.

What is known about a Winchester 67A with no serial number?

All model 67's and 67A's have no serial numbers

What year was Winchester model 67a 22 SLOR LR made in?

The Winchester 67A was made from 1934 and 1963. Because they ended production in 1963 they are not serial numbered.

What is the age and value of a 22 caliber Winchester Model 67A bolt action rifle with no serial number?

It was introduced in 1934. There is a website called Winchester Collector that might be helpful.

How much is a Winchester 67A worth?

50- 300 uSD

How do you clean model 67a Winchester?

Ask a gunsmith for help

How old is a Winchester model 67A rifle?

The winchester model 67,67A were made from 1934-1963.

What is the year of a 22 slorlr Winchester model 67a?

I'm not positive but my model 67A SL.or LR short barrel Winchester was given to me in 1958 when I turned 7. If it was new or used is unknown.

What is the difference between a Winchester Model 67 and Model 67A?

The Winchester Model 67 is a single-shot bolt-action .22 caliber rifle with a barrel-length of about 22". The Winchester 67A is a different , later, improved model of the pre-war model 67. The 67A has a 27 inch bbl, not a 22". This rifle also came in a short-stocked, 20 inch barrel version, which was, in fact, known as "the boy's rifle." The standard 67A is NOT the boy's rifle.... the "boy's rifle" is a sub model of the 67A.