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Anemia refers to a red blood cell count that is below normal. While white blood cells fight infection, red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. When red blood cell levels drop too low, the body feels tired due to lack of oxygen. Hence, someone with anemia is often referred to as having "tired blood." O.K. so that being said, your body is fighting something already and to force your body to accept a body piercing is not the wisest thing to do. If anemia is due to a medically treatable condition, Iron deficiant condition then I would suggest not getting the piercing until your doctor says you are good to go. If you choose to get a piercing, you piercer may (and should actually ask) if you have any conditions that would cause problems healing a piecing, anemia is one condition where it will cause a problem and most piercers will not pierce you.

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Q: Will your body accept a body piercing if you are anemic?
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Is bruising normal with a navel piercing?

Bruising is normal with ANY piercing. It is likely that the piercer hit a blood vessel while piercing your navel. Well, I gotta disagree here with ol Naughty, as I havent ever seen any bruising with my piercings....Or any one I had piercing for me....If it is done right with a super sharp tri-bevel edged piercing needle and the client is not anemic then there should not be any bruising at all.....Check with your doctor to see if you are anemic....Hope this helps You do not have to be anemic to bruise with piercing. A piercing is a wound to your body, and as you probably know, any wound to your body can bruise. You are lucky for not having to experience bruising with yours, but it does not mean that it is not normal for other people. Too much force, hitting a blood vessel, or the pure trauma of it all to your body can cause bruising Well sorry I have to jump in here, bruising is sub dermal Haematoma (bleeding under the skin) due to sub dermal injury, impact trauma and muscle tearing. Bruising in a piercing site is only because fine sub dermal vessels were damaged during the piercing and it doesn't occur with every piercing. Only when the piercer uses excessive force to penetrate the tissue (due to crappy needles and lousy skills) or when piercing tight delicate eyebrow tissue when using pennington's that are too tight..

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It is a peircing that the body will no accept and is attacking by lazing exponentially, bleeding and overall not healing. It is common associated with "green ears" from and ear piercing. It usually means that you are allergic to the stud that is being used or that it is infected.

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What is Huggie Body Piercing?

It`s not a body piercing. It`s a style of earrings.

Why are body piercing banned?

Banned where? There are tattoo/body piercing parlors everywhere.

Are there any body piercing games?

no there isn't any body piercing games

What condition does body piercing cause?

Body Piercing do not cause any "condition" in a medical sense. The adornment of the body by piercing doesn't cause any adverse reaction or event in the body. Failure to look after a new piercing can lead to infections, and reactions when the piercing is incorrectly looked after.

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Is an ear piercing a body piercing?

Yes It Is :)

How long can you remove a belly piercing for?

Depends on your body, how old the piercing is, and what size the piercing is.

Can you start a body piercing business out of your home?

only if your home is located in a body piercing business.

Is a license required for body piercing?

Yes! Do not go to someone to get a body piercing (or tattoo) if they are not licensed.