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Smoking does not make you lose or gain weight. People have atendency to gain weight when they try to quit smoking because they feel they have a need to put some thing in their mouths. No cigarette = put comfort food in mouth = gain of weight.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago
So your saying it don’t help you lose weight when it’s proven that smoking raises your metabolismΒ 
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Nicotine is an appetite suppressant. If you quit smoking, your body has a tendancy to eat more. Your brain is addicted, and it needs something in the bodies' mouth. Sweet foods you might eat a lot of if your body wants it.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

If you are referring to immediately after you stop smoking a cigarette, it is because you just gave your body a big dose of carbon monoxide, which reduces the ability of your blood to absorb and deliver oxygen to your cells. Heavy smokers, in fact, can reduce the oxygen-carrying capacity of their blood by up to nearly 1/2. This puts a strain on the heart and other organs, and is one of the major reasons smoking is bad for your health.

If you mean after ceasing smoking completely, we can't answer. We suggest that you consult a doctor. If anything, breathing should be easier.

If you are breathless after stopping smoking, try smoking once again. If you can breathe normally after inhaling the smoke, then you are addicted. Nicotine addiction requires expert medical advice. If you have been smoking for long, tell your doctor so. Do this as soon as possible before any complication occurs.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I tried quiting smoking for about 14 years with almost no success. The only thing that truly works are smokeless cigarettes. I get all the pleasure as a the real thing without all the harmful side effects like arsenic and carbon monoxide. They only costs around 69 dollars and works like a charm

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βˆ™ 15y ago

no but your tongue will swell up after a while from withdrawl and you wont be able to breath it happend to my great aunt bubbie

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Q: Will you put weight on if you stop smoking?
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by not smoking and you can maintain a healthy weight and excersise...! ^_^

Why do you gain weight when you quit smoking?

Smoking can cause loss of appetite. When you stop smoking your appetite will return and you will eat more often, causing weight gain. Some suggestions is to watch your diet more after you stop smoking. Exercising more after you quit can help prevent your body getting lazy.

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i think if you put them on a boundry it will help

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Possibly, depends on what you seem to eat after ;)

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We are not sure what you mean by "places like hud" or "smoking bands." Please clarify the question.

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the smoking is most likely caused by the engine burning oil.

Is there an antidepressant that help stop smoking and not gain weight?

Chantix. While not an antidepressant, it is similar to Wellbutrin which is an antidepressant, and is also used to help smoking cessation.

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stop smoking

How much weight do you gain during smoking cessation?

It is not necessary to gain weight when stopping smoking. Body mass index is controlled by two primary factors -- nutrition and exercise. People who stop smoking and also improve their health habits regarding proper nutrition and exercise can become healthier / stronger/ leaner / fitter than they were as smokers. People who stop smoking but do not address nutrition and exercise -- for example people who replace smoking with eating candy or other sweets -- are very likely to gain weight as a result. If smoking was an effective means of preventing weight gain, there would be no overweight smokers!

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you should put that smoking should be totally legal and stop trying to control people :D