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if you are on certain birth controls you can gain weight... it depends on which one you are on. Ask your doctor if their is a chance that you will gain weight by being on the pill she is suggesting, there are some that will not usually make you gain weight.

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Q: Will you gain weight by taking Birth control?
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How do you prevent gain weight while taking birth control?

To prevent weight gain on birth control, don't change how much you eat or exercise. If you were gaining weight before starting birth control, you'll probably continue to gain weight after starting birth control.

Does Junel birth control make you gain weight?

yes. gained 15 lbs within a year of taking it.

How can birth control make you gain weight?

Despite old wives' tales to the contrary, birth control pills do not cause weight gain. Patients on birth control pills and patients not on birth control in controlled studies both gained weight.

Can not taking sugar pill cause weight gain?

No. Often weight gain is experienced in some women due to the hormone changes caused by birth control pills. It has nothing to do with the sugar pills.

What ingredient in birth control pills make you gain weight?

The Birth Control itself does not have any ingredients in it that make you gain weight. The birth control makes you crave food and its the food you eat that makes you gain weight. So when you crave the food go for something healthy to eat such as fruit.

You gained weight with taking birth control would you lose weight if you stopped taking it?

BCP have not conclusively be connected to weight gain - as many women lose weight from taking them as gain weight. The same percent on a placebo also gain and lose. If you are one of those women who gained from BCP - changing or stopping the pill should allow you to lose weight by reducing calories sensibly.

Does Mirelle birth control increase weight gain?

Yes it does.

Can you gain Weight from going off birth control?


Will you gain more weight if you are taking birth control pills but don't take the green ones so your period will stop?

Some women do gain weight while on contraceptive pills, and some do not. Skipping your period, or not taking the in-active green sugar pills, will not make you gain weight, it will just skip your period.

Is diann a birth control pill?

Yes it is, but it is also prescribed for acne control in girls. It has one other unfortunate side effect, women tends to gain weight when taking it.

Does all birth control make you gain weight?

Yes, most birth control pills do cause meight gain, but some less than others,

What is the least common form of birth control?

The Depo Shot! It is the worst form of Birth Control. It Causes you to gain weight, have mood swings and HEAAVY HEAVY periods if you are to quit taking this shot and swtich to another form of Birth Control. I Highley Recomend The Pill.