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There is always a possibility of getting splinters from a wood floor. You can reduce the probability by having the floor sanded and varnished.

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Q: Will wood flooring give my child splinters?
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Is it dangerous for a child to eat a walking stick?

Well, it is not healthy! The biggest risk are wood splinters and wood pulp if a tree branch. Wood does not digest easily and could perforate the intestines. Take your child to the doctor.

What are dis advantage of wood in aviation?

Wood worm, wood rot and splinters.

Does a horse chew wood when it bored?

No, it chews the wood to brush its teeth, as such. The splinters of wood almost act as the head of your toothbrush. When it bites down, the splinters scrape its teeth, cleaning them.

What is better real wood flooring or wood looking flooring?

Real wood flooring is better because it looks more natural and it is authentic wood.

How does laminate flooring differ from wood flooring?

Laminate flooring is not real wood, it just imitates the look of it.

Wood Flooring?

form_title= Wood Flooring form_header= Elegance is a given with wood flooring. What wood do you want on the floor? *= _ [50] What is the square footage of your home?*= _ [50] Do you need to remove the old flooring?*= () Yes () No

How expensive is wood flooring to install?

There are many variables to this answer. It depends if you are installing the wood flooring yourself or having it installed professionally. The size of the area and the type of wood. There are wood flooring companies who offers workshops on installing wood flooring. A DIY course.

What exactly is wood flooring?

Wood flooring refers to any material that is meant to be flooring and that is made out of lumber. You can get solid wood flooring. Be careful; don't confuse laminate, vinyl, or vaneer floors for wood floors.

How can you safely clean wood flooring?

I just moved into a cabin with wood flooring. The flooring is in very good condition and I would like to keep it that way. How should I clean the wood flooring safely?

What type of wood is used for hardwood flooring?

The type of wood used in hardwood flooring varies. The most common type of wood used in hardwood flooring is timber. Another common but more exotic wood in hardwood flooring is bamboo.

Whats the differences between natural wood flooring and engineered hardwood flooring?

The difference between natural flooring and engineered flooring is that natural flooring is not altered, in the manner that engineeered wood is altered.

Wood Flooring Installation?

form_title=Wood Flooring Installation form_header=12503 Is this need emergency in nature?*= () No () Yes How do you categorize this flooring?*= () Install wood flooring () Refinish existing wood flooring () Repair existing wood flooring Please choose which rooms are involved with this flooring project.*= [] Multiple rooms [] Kitchen [] Living or dining room [] Bathroom [] Bedroom(s) [] Other living space Have the project materials already been purchased?*= () Yes () No Please choose which type of wood flooring you would like to have installed:*= () Natural wood () Want recommendation () Wood laminate