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I, sadly, was prescribed Suboxone for a period of time and it never came up on the regular, self contained, pee cup litmus drug tests I sometimes got. While it is considered an opioid, its chemical structure is so different that it doesn't have the same Ph level.

NOW, if the drug tests you get are send to a lab (as some piss tests and hair follicle tests would be), then it will be detected. Not as an opioid, but as Suboxone (Laboratory drug tests are much more comprehensive and they usually test for just about everything. As for a hair follicle test, if they're searching for the big drugs, then it shouldn't, but I don't know. By the way, who the Hell is taking the time and spending the money on a hair follicle test...? Is this for school or is it a really paranoid employer...? Those tests are really expensive and, as far as I know, have been abandoned by most institutions.

The rest is just FYI: Just so you know, Suboxone has a half life of about a day, meaning that it stays in your system and affects it three times as long as regular opiates. The reason I bringing this up is when you ever decide to stop taking it (which I recommend only because drugs like that and methadone are, in my opinion, just bigger, nicer talking snakes. The more you rely on it to get through the day, the more you become accustomed to having it. Basically, this means that even though it isn't getting you "high", its still influencing you addiction. "Addiction is a progressive disease" is more true than you know. Because its prescribed by a doctor and its legal allows this behavior to become even more entrenched in you mind and your habits because its supposedly "helping" you. Please, for your sake, stop as soon as you can. It may be helping you in the short run, but its doing way more harm in the long run...).

Sorry, as I was saying, if you ever decide to stop taking it, you will go through the same withdrawal symptoms as the ones you started taking suboxone to get yourself off of. AND because it has a longer half life, the withdrawal symptoms may last twice as long as regular opiates (meaning that instead of hitting the withdrawal "peak" after about three or four days, you won't hit it for maybe 7-8 days and THEN you'll start to feel better...). Basically, that's why I decided to not go on the methadone maintenance program. It may help for a while, but when you decide to come off of it, withdrawal can last up to a month. I know its hard to readjust to normal life after being enslaved by such drugs, but really, (and I hate these cliches, but...), just take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time. A couple more tips: if you do decide to come off of everything, while you're adjusting, surround yourself with friends, plan back to back activities everyday to distract yourself (And try to get some of your friends to babysit you until you can do it on your own. Sometimes just having someone there can keep you from relapsing..).

Also, talk to your doctor about being prescribed something to help you get through it, especially muscle relaxants (Methocarbinal worked well for me) and definitely something to help you sleep (Amitryptiline is a commonly prescribed drug to recovering addicts. It does cause dry mouth, though. I HATE that...). And, if you have to be selfish to ensure that you can get through the day, then be selfish. Remember, you can't help anybody else until you help yourself.

The biggest thing to watch out for it idle time. Do Not let yourself sit and think for very long; keep yourself distracted. You'd be surprised how easy it is to go from "I'll never use again" to "Where the Hell are my keys, I'm going to go get high". One last thing, many people may disagree with me, but if going to AA or NA meetings makes you miserable or actually makes you want to use MORE, then don't go. I realized that NA meeting were making me want to go out and use even more than normal, so I stopped going. BUT, you still need someone to talk to. I'm not a big fan of group therapy, but others do well there.

I would recommend individual sessions on a regular basis for at least a half a year. And remember, they don't necessarily have to "cure" you, you just need someone safe and non-judgemental to, as I call it, "verbally throw up" to. Letting off that mental steam is incredibly important. Please trust me, everyday that you get through without using means the next day will be just that much easier. It may take a while to deprogram yourself, but its worth it.

And lastly (for the third time), never, NEVER get complacent. Once you start to think that its all behind you is the perfect moment for your addiction to try and tempt you. You have to vigilant for the rest of your life. I know it sounds scary, but its better than the alternative. And, not to get morbid, but I've buried three of my friends in my life to dope. I struggle with it everyday. I know what I'm talking about. Have hope, trust in yourself and embrace your life. I wish you all the best.

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Q: Will suboxone show up as a opiate on a hair follicle drug test?
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Will suboxone show up on a hair follicle drug test?

Yes. Suboxone contains a 4:1 ratio of Buprenorphine, one of the most powerful known opiates and Naloxone, an opiate antagonist. Since hair tests look for opiate metabolites in your system, Buprenorphine will surely be detected for very long periods of time.

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