It is possible they say to cut back on smoking, make sure you rinse with non-alcholholic mouth wash after you smoke and eat, and sea salt cleanses twice a day morning night. that should help :)
No but anything with yeast in it will infect the piercing. Be sure to stay away from wine and beer especially.
no, but it might make it hurts if the coldsore is near the lip piercing.
For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.
14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.
No they don't numb the needle. It doesn't even hurt it just burns a bit. Remember no smoking or drinking till it heals.
Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural
It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)
Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3
up to you i would say lip though
It's a center lip piercing, it means it's a center lip piercing, nothing more nothing less.
A lip piercing hurts worse. nose is more cartilidge and has less nerves than the lip.
14g to 16g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g to 18g is normal for a female lip piercing.