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No, it won't. You can take off the hazmat suit and breathe the air.

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Q: Will homosexuality create disease
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What is the allopathic treatment for homosexuality?

homosexuality is not a disease, so there is no "treatment" for it.

Does past life regression really cure homosexuality?

No. There is no "cure" for homosexuality because it is not a disease.

Is homosexuality a disease?

No. Homosexuality is simply a sexual orientation and is in the same category as heterosexuality. Simply because the majority of people are not of that sexual orientation does not make it a 'disease'.

What has the author Jeffrey Satinover written?

Jeffrey Satinover has written: 'The empty Self' 'Homosexuality and the politics of truth' -- subject(s): AIDS (Disease), Homosexuality, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Homosexuality

Can stem cells treat homosexuality?

No, stem cells cannot be used to treat homosexuality. Homosexuality is a natural and normal variation of human sexuality and is not a disease or disorder that requires treatment. Attempting to change someone's sexual orientation through medical interventions is considered unethical and not supported by scientific evidence.

Can homosexuality be healed?

Why the hell are you classifiying it as an affliction? Gay people aren't sick, its not a disease. If You really need an answer, however wrong headed your question is, it is no. Homosexuality has no "cure."

How did Karl Mark and Freidrich Engels view homosexuality?

They saw it as a disease caused by capitalism

Did someone cure homosexuality?

"Cure" suggests homosexuality is a disease or an illness. This is very far from the truth. In 1974 the American Psychiatric Association eventually stated that homosexuality was no longer considered a "disorder", but millions of gay men and women all over the world already knew that. They knew that they were naturally gay, that was what they were. There was no changing. So nobody cured homosexuality.

Is homosexuality mode of transmission of AIDS?

No. Homosexuality is not a mode for the transmission of any disease. However, sexual activity between people of any orientation (gay or straight) can transmit diseases, including the HIV virus.

What are the treatments for homosexuality?

None. You can't treat something that is not a disease or disorder. It is a natural, healthy part of human nature.

Can homosexuality be infected by associating a gay man just as a friend?

No, you can't catch something that is not a disease. You are either born gay or you aren't. homosexuality is not a disease so is not contagious , it is not a life style choice but rather something fixed and unchangeable. You are born gay hetrosexual or bisexual, or something in between or outside the box.

What are the symptoms of homosexuality?

Homosexuality is not a disease, so it doesn't have "symptoms." If somebody is gay, all or almost all of their sexual acts and fantasies involve other people of the same sex. Otherwise, we're indistinguishable from the rest of the crowd.