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Eventually, yes.

Our bodies are very good at adapting to what we ask of them, so if you consistently eat small meals over a time, your stomach will eventually adjust to a smaller size.
No it will only make your indegesting smaller.

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Q: Will eating smaller meals shrink your stomach?
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Related questions

Why is it better to eat several meals a day instead of 3 large meals?

Smaller meals help your stomach shrink, great for weight loss.

How do you make your stomache smaller?

To help shrink your stomach, focus on eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day instead of large meals. Incorporate more fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep you feeling full longer. Additionally, staying hydrated and incorporating regular physical activity can help reduce bloating and improve digestion.

What organ can you lose and still survive but you have to eat small frequent meals?

Your stomach. It's not fun though. Frequent meals means eating 24/7.

What is the disease characterised by sweating while eating?

You need to eat smaller meals

Diabetic Meals?

Diabetes meals should be 4-5 smaller meals during the day rather than the traditional 3. Eating smaller meals more often can help keep blood sugar levels stable and help control diabetes.

Meals must be smaller and more frequent after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Postoperative gastric bypass meals must be less, smaller, and more frequent than the larger, heavier, spaced out meals that patients were eating before. Most of the time, patients were used to eating heavy huge meals one or two times a day, but this has to change to eating smaller meals at more frequent intervals. Eating too few calories can interfere with metabolism so patients must learn to eat breakfast and then eat four or five smaller meals a day after that. This new dietary change might cause behavioral changes, but they work out to help the patient change his lifestyle. Doctors suggest this is a good regimen.

Is it best to take ferrous sulfate before meals?

It should be taken on an empty stomach (an hour or more before eating, or two hours after eating).

How do you lose belly fat without eating less or excercising less?

one way of doing this is speeding your metabolism. try eating smaller quantity meals, about 5-8 times a day. Do this for about a month, it will shrink your stomach, and you will start burning calories like a forest fire. or the easier more deadlier way Gastric Bypass Surgery. The only reason why I say this method is deadly because its a 90% survival rate. for more info, google it :)

What does it mean when you fill up a lot faster when eating meals?

If you are filling up faster after eating, your stomach may have started shrinking. This could be a result of dieting.

How can I prevent empty stomach acid reflux?

To prevent empty stomach acid reflux, try eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day, avoiding trigger foods like spicy or acidic foods, and not lying down immediately after eating. Additionally, staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of acid reflux.

Which is the best medicine to control gastric problems?

if you are having gas drink water 20-25 minutes before meals OR drink water 1hour after meals don't eat to late. Eating late at night depletes the stomach of fluids at a time when its energy is at its weakest eat smaller meals miso soup, whole grains, fresh veggies and fruits are good for farting

Eating Smaller Meals on a GERD Diet ?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease that causes patients to suffer from chronic heartburn. While there are standard foods, such as fried or acidic foods, to avoid on a GERD diet, there are other dietary changes that can be made to help assuage heartburn problems. In addition to avoiding trigger foods, the primary change that doctors recommend is to eat smaller meals. The standard three meals a day can result in a large mass of food that is more likely to produce large quantities of stomach acid. Many smaller meals reduce this risk and result in more comfort.