Shouldn't have any problems with revolvers, single shot firearms, and lever action rifles. However, a semi auto chambered in .357 (such as the Desert Eagle or Coonan Arms pistols) won't be able to run .38 Special.
Right now there are 2 guns made for this caliber. The first was the
From the .44 Magnum article on, "Despite the ".44" designation, all guns chambered for the .44 Magnum case, and its parent case, the, use bullets of approximately 0.429in. (10.9 mm) in diameter."
Yes they are. One of the newer guns, in fact, is the .327 Magnum, which will ALSO fire the .32 Magnum, and the .32 S&W cartridge.
Any weapon chambered for it.
Fire Your Guns was created in 1990.
There's...FN 5.7 pistolFN P90 submachinegunFN PS90 carbine (civilian semi auto variant based on P90)and there are AR-15 uppers chambered in 5.7
There does NOT appear to be any current major producers offering a lever action rifle/carbine chambered for the .41 Magnum cartridge. There may be some custom made guns, finding a custom rifle gunsmith will require internet research.
Fire All Your Guns at Once was created in 1996.
A magnum and a sniper and more
yes on older guns chambered for 45 ACP There are many guns old and new chambered in 45acp the cartridge has been around for over 100 years, however because of less refined metallurgy it is not always recommended to shoot newer ammo in older guns specifically due to the higher pressures that new ammo attains and the age and overall wear on the weapon.
Yes, S&W made hand guns chambered for this cartridge.