Extensive medical, scientific and social research shows that a person's sexuality cannot be changed, per se. Although you may experience ambivalence during your teenage years, you cannot forcefully change your sexuality. That is, you can't decide that you don't want to be lesbian and simply decide to turn into a heterosexual.
Its up to her (you)
You can go on those dating websites and search "woman looking for woman" Hope this helps
No, this is not true. You can go to an all girls school and still be straight. It's just up to you if you want to become a lesbian.
Lesbians can conceive a child just like a straight woman. The only difference is that being lesbian, her partner is "of course" unable to get her pregnant. If a Lesbian couple wish to conceive then they have a couple of options. Though they must have the same basic ingredient, male sperm. The how is up to the individual. More than likely the woman will choose to go somewhere to be artificially inseminated, the other option is to have sex with a man, though being lesbian, then insemination would probably be the first choice.
Someone goes out with a girl simply because she/he likes her. It's not a crime to be a lesbian, and it's not a crime to be straight.
She's probably just playing with you, especially if you're straight. Lesbian women don't necessarily go after everything that moves any more than straight people do. Unless she's giving you other signals, she's pranking you or harmlessly flirting.
to find out if a woman is a lesbian, it all depends on the woman. If the women is very outgoing and is not afraid to answer anything just ask. If she is not like that than you might have to dig a little deeper, but for caution dont go to far or "your woman" will soon be someone elses. Also if she is your woman than she clearly is not a leasbian. I would not be surprised though if she is Bisexual which means "likes both sexes".
If she is a lesbian why would she even go for a guy? Oh yeah she wouldn't.
0% of gay people go straight. It's simply not possible. No study has ever successfully demonstrated that sexual orientation can be changed.
Not only is she a lesbian (self-professed butch with a girlfriend of 10 years), she's very out and proud. She's also an AIDS activist, a Rhodes Scholar and an amateur "mixologist" -- and yes, she does seem to make the heart of lesbians, straight women, and many men everywhere (both straight and gay) go pitter patter. I know mine does. . . *sigh*
If you are a male, cross-dressing for the first time, then please don't go to a lesbian bar. You will not be welcome. If you are gay, then many gay bars will be most welcoming. If you are straight, I would recommend contacting your local cross-dressing group and going to one of their parties.
to go straight because it hurts you more.