It depends on the girl, if she thinks about more than just looks in a guy than maybe. It also depends on the boy, if he is nice or funny, or if at least the girl thinks so then its possible.some girls think that when a boy compliments them or says something funny he might like them
It's actually 5% proven a boy will reject a "fat" girl, but there's an 80% chance a girl will end up marrying a "fat" boy. That is unless the boy is also"fat".
A fat ugly girl
Justin bieber does not jugge by apperance BUT!! he does not date UGLY or FAT girls!!
by getting his type of girl .eg.the girl should also be a "socially fat awkward ugly lady"
im fat and ugly... it just depends how fat... and how old u r.
Depends on how hot the fat one is but if is I would take the fat one
An Ugly girl that doesnt care for anyone and is a fat nasty girl
put a letter in his locker but dont sine it or go up and ask him or go to the salon and get a makover
they think their fat and ugly because they see all these pretty girls that have long blonde hair and their skinny as a twig and that makes them feel ugly just because that ONE girl is prettier
Does she have an ugly or fat friend? Talk to the ugly/fat one and ignore the pretty one. She'll eventually start to wonder why she's not getting attention and boom, got her.
cause he is fat and ugly