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I don't believe so.

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Q: Will a Remington model 78 Fit the stock of a 700 model?
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Will a Remington model 78 sportsman fit a synthetic stock for a 700 adl long or short action?

700 ADL Long Action

Does a Remington 700 stock fit a Remington 722?

no there are some minor adjustments to the safety area

Will a stock from a Remington 870 fit a model 1100?

No, the Remington Model 1100 stock has a hole (recepticle) through the inside of the stock in the pistol grip area to accept the action spring tube. The Remington Model 870 stock has no need for this hole so the 870 stock will not fit on the Model 1100 action.

Does anyone make an after market trigger for your Remington 722?

Timney makes a great aftermarket trigger for the Remington model 700,that will fit your Remington model 722 rifle.

Does a blackhawk knoxx axiom SA stock fit a Remington 700 sps tactical?

Assuming the Remington SPS Tactical you are referring to is chambered in either .223 or .308, yes the SA (Short Action) stock will fit.

Will a Remington 870 stock fit a Ted Williams model 300?

No, Winchester 1400

Does anyone make a pistol grip stock for a Remington model 7400 30-06 rifle?

Yes, The receiver pins are the same as the Remington 870, so any stock that will fit the 870 will fit the 7400

Can you fit a Remington 700 BDL in an ADL stock?

yes a BDL rifle will fit a ADL stock but the trigger guard will not but a new trigger guard can be bought for 20 to 50 dollars and

Will a stock from a Remington 870 fit a Remington model 11?

No, the re4ar receiver face on the Model 11 Remington has a different configuration. The Remington Model 11 is a semi-auto with a tube containing a bolt return spring located at the rear of the receiver. The Model 11 stock has a receptacle to accept this tube, the Model 870, being a pump action, does not have this receptacle.

Will a Remington 870 stock fit a Remington 1100?


Will the stock from a Remington 742 fit on a Remington 7400?

Yes they are interchangable.