Bryce- ONLY if you shoot it up the nostril, or in the eye, otherwise your a SOL
ACP and auto are used to say the same thing. Automatic Colt Pistol.
.45 auto and .45ACP are the same round.
Yes, as long as it says .45 on the barrel.
ACP means Automatic Colt Pistol. .45 ACP and .45 Auto are the same cartridge. .45 Colt and .45 Auto Rim are a revolver cartridge. .45 GAP (Glock Auto Pistol) is a shorter round than the ACP, and does not interchange with it.
No. The 45 ACP (which means 45 Auto) cannot use the .45 GAP or the .45 Magnum.
Nothing, .45 auto is just another name for .45ACP.
.45 ACP means Automatic Colt Pistol. It IS .45 Auto.
It takes about 30 too 45 minutes for the installation of Safelite auto glass.
the .45 Auto CBC is a cartridge for a Semi- Automatic Handgun.
.45 ACP means auto cartridge pistol ( I believe they spelled it pistole though). The .45 auto just means it is an autoloading pistol unlike the revolver style pistol.
45 ACP can be used in both auto and revolver. The revolver must have a 45 ACP cylinder.
My state farm insurance agent told me to take a free 45 minute test on the computer for mature drivers that would allow me a discount on my auto insurance. Can you tell me the web site to go to.