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Technically speaking, if one fired a .223 (5.56) it could kill at that range. If you are speaking of a .22LR or .22L, it is almost entirely impossible. The only way that a .22 could kill at that distance, is if you fired it at a very high angle and the bullet somehow landed in the eye socket, or punctured an artery in the arm. Just my $0.02

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Q: Will a 22 rifle kill someone a mile away?
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Theoretically possible out to a mile. 200 yds would be stretching it though

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Possible, but not likely. The drop of a .22 bullet at one mile is so great you would need to aim several hundred feet in the air above him.

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Something chambered in .50 caliber would be better. But shooting at a mile's distance, success is much more reliant on the shooter's skills, luck and comfort with their tools as the equipment itself.

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