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Yeah, but my ex had gauges and they leave a indentation on yer ear for like a really long time.

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Q: Will a .5 ear gauge close over time?
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Can a 1.5 inch ear gauge close over time?

they will never close back up completely, the smallest they may go back is 0 gauge.

Will ear gauges ever close?

Ear gauges can indeed close. I have head several stories about peoples' ear gauges closing over time, some even being near size 00. Ear gauges can close over time if you don't wear a plug or tunnel in it. If the gauge is small, it will take less time for it to close, unlike BIG gauges - which could take around 2 months. One secret is to rub hemerroid cream on your ears about twice a day first your ears will swell but later when your lobes go back to normal the holes will be smaller. However, if your ears were gauged above a 00, they will never close entirely without surgery, which currently runs about $800 an ear.

How big is 26 mm ear gauge?

A little over 1".

What gauge is a ear ring?

i believe its a 18 gauge or 16 gauge.

Can oildead skin build make an ear piercing not close I didn't wear earrings for over ten plus years and they never closed?

No, oil dead skin would not affect an ear piercing. Sometimes people just have hole that don't close over time, even ten years.

Will a gauged hole close?

Yes, a gauged hole will typically close up gradually over time if the jewelry is removed. The size and rate of closure will vary depending on factors such as how long the piercing has been stretched and the individual's skin elasticity.

How do you make a big ear piercing close up?

Simply remove the jewellery and let the tissue shrink on it's own, it will take time but the piercings will recede over time.

How do you close ear piercings you no longer want?

Use oil and massage them. Vitamin E oil and Emu oil are pretty good. depending on how long you've had them and what gauge they are, they might not close completely.

What gauge ear equals the size of a dime?

A dime is approximately 18mm in diameter, which is close to 11/16 inch. In gauge sizes, 11/16 inch is usually equated to around 17-18 gauge for ear piercings, although individual anatomy can vary. It's recommended to consult with a professional piercer for accurate sizing and fitting.

How big is a regular ear piercing?

Normal ear piercings are 18 gauge.

What is an ear gauge?

Well there actually is no such thing as an ear gauge. However there is such a thing as a jewellery gauge which is the thickness of the of the jewellery based on either Millimeters or AWG (American Wire Gauge as used in the professional body piercing industry.

What is the biggest size you can gauge your ears?

the biggest size you can gauge your ears is as big as you can make it with out snapping your ear. gauge size goes from: 18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2,0,00,7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8,11/16,3/4,13/16,7/8,15/16,1" and so on. It is really endless in stretching, but take your time. and clinical studies have proven tat in 98% of the time your ear will heal as long as you don't stretch past double zero gauge size