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Yes. The same brush you use to clean a .223 can be used for .22 LR, .22-250, .222, and other cartridges in that same calibre range.

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Q: Will 22 cal brush fit in 223 cal?
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The warning on the box says that the range of a .22 caliber is 1 mile. Do you mean a .22 Rimfire cartridge or a .223 round as fired in an M-16??

Please explain what is gun caliber?

Somwething like this, 223 or 224 diameter bullet is 22 cal. 243 or 6mm is 24 cal 257 is 25 cal 308 is 30 cal and so on. There are some bullet diameters that cross over the caliber lines.

Can you use a 25 cal round in a 22 cal gun?

No. A .25 Auto cartridge is too fat, and it is a centerfire. The .22 LR is a rimfire. Won't fit, won't fire.

What round fit an plainfield machine co 22 cal gun A M5?

You will need to have it examined by a gunsmith

Is a 223 caliber the same as a 22 caliber?

It depends on what you mean. Strictly speaking, a .223 cartridge has a .22 caliber bullet, but when people say .22, they are usually referring to .22 Short, Long Rifle, or Magnum cartridge, which is different than .223.