The address of the Village Of Oak Creek is: 7000 State Route 179, Suite C102, Sedona, 86351 9270
they are on e-bay now
In the european version 2008 facelift is under the clove compartment in drivers sear. Its the C102 relay that's near the fuses of DRL's.
C100 LXI H C200 21 ; Load the HL register pair immediately C101 00 ; C102 C2 ; C103 MOV B M 46 ; Move the memory content (Total number of data) in to B register C104 MVI C 00 0E ; Initialize the C register with 00 H C 105 00 ; C106 SUB A 97 ; Clear the ac cumulator C107 INX H 23 ; Increment the HL register pair (to get the next input data) C108 MOV A M 7E ; Move the memory content in to accumulator C109 DCR B 05 ; Decrement the B register c o n tent C10A INX H 23 ; Increment the HL register pair C10B ADD M 86 ; Add the memory content to accumulator C10C JNC C110 D2 ; Jump if carry = 0, to C110 H C10D 10 ; C10E C1 ; C10F INR C 0C ; Increment the C register content C110 DCR B 05 ; Decrement the B register content C111 JNZ C10A C2 ; Jump if no zero to C10A H C112 0A ; C113 C1 ; C114 STA C300 32 ; Store the accumulator content (sum) at C300 H C115 00 ; C116 C3 ; C117 MOV A C 79 ; Move the C register content to accumulator C118 STA C301 32 ; Store the accumulator content ( carry ) at C300 H C119 01 ; C11A C3 ; C11B HL T 76 ; Halt the exection