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you may be coming on i usually get period pains a few days before i start to bleed and then get none when i am bleeding

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Q: Why would you have period pain but no bleeding?
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What if bleeding for 8 days thought it was your period now having pain?

then you were on your period. pain & blood is often associated with the menstrual cycle.

What are sign of cervical cancer?

pelvic pain......bleeding after intercourse, bleeding after menopause, Bleeding that occurs between regular menstraul period

I have light red bleeding no pain and my breasts are not sore?

Sounds like it is your period.

Why do i have Period pain and no bleeding?

You r going through pre-menstrell-syndrom

What are the symptoms to cervical cancer?

There are quite a few, like abnormal bleeding(not normal period bleeding), increased discharge, pain or burning sensations when urinating, and pelvic pain.

Do you have pain during vaginal bleeding?

Vaginal bleeding can happy during a period and it can be slightly painful but it should not be uncomfortable. It certainly shouldn't be painful all time. If a person is bleeding from the vagina and it's not during a period she should go to a doctor.

Is it okay i had a little bleeding following a blood clot then stopped bleeding no pain or cramps?

If it were me, personally I would get checked.

Why would a girl still bleed after her period if she's on birth control?

I'm not sure what the difference is between bleeding during your period and bleeding "after your period" in the first three months of birth control pill use, you may have unscheduled bleeding. This side effect usually goes away after three months. If you're having bleeding that's troublesome, or that's associated with pain or unusual vaginal discharge, talk to your health care provider.

I had a miscarriage sept 26 now I am cramping with some pain and bleeding could this be a period already?

yes..i got a period just 2 weeks after a miscarriage

Could you be having implantation bleeding if you have slight cramping pain and light brown and pink bleeding for about 3 days?

Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.

What does mean light-red bleeding with pain during a period?

This usually occurs in the begining of the cycle. Short Pain like a knife then large clots are more typical of a miscarriage.

What could cause your to bleed for 2 weeks after your period and pain and more bleeding during sex?

This is not normal and you need to see a doctor.