Usually people with piercings are considered Gothic or emo, or some other stereotype. It makes people look unprofessional if they have nose, tongue or belly button piercings. It also is unsanitary because they can fall off into food if your looking into the food industry. So if you happen to have piercings, I would recommend taking them off when going to an interview.
Not all body piercings would affect your ability to obtain a job. For example, most part-time and hourly jobs don't care as long as you replace your piercings with a clear jewelry piece, or take the piercings out all together. However, if you have multiple facial piercings you may be falsley judged as someone who is lazy, rebellious, and/or a bad worker. Not always, but sometimes, these prejudices may happen.
If you're going for a professional job, like a doctor, lawyer, teacher, nurse, secretary, or any other "salaried" job, piercings are really not a good idea. Clients and even the boss may associate a lot of piercings with immaturity. Most of these careers require you to take your piercings out all together.
It would not affect you.
well mI would say about as much as you want, though it would affect your body
Actually, it is more a problem of how much skin is available in the piercing area, and how thick that skin is. Thin skin is more likely to allow the piercing to eject. Check with a licensed body piercer and let them assess your navel skin where the piercing would be.
It would interfere with a man's ability to transport the sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts.
Bankruptcy would not affect your license to sell insurance in any way. It does not affect your ability to continue to make money.
How deep it is and how fast it is going downhill that can also affect it
Nose piercing
If you're biting your lip like that I don't think that they're right for you..... It would really aggravate your piercing to get hit all of the time. It also wouldn't be pleasant to have two wounds ( bitten lip and piercing) healing at the same time. I would get another piercing or wait until you kick the bad habit.
Piercing means Chidhwana. Ear Piercing would be called Kaan Chidhwana.
Exchange gases
This Is Called, Growing Out Or Rejecting. This Can Happen To Any Person That Gets A Navel Piercing. It Can Affect Younger People Because As You Grow, The Piercing Can Gradually Be Pushed To The Suface Of Skin, And You Will Have To Take It Out. But If This Does Happen You Can Get It Repierced, You Just have To Let It Heal First. x
Talk to your Orthodontist, he or she may have issues with a tongue piercing being in the way when they work on your braces. If they don't have an issue with it then go for it.