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They cheat because they are insecure. They obviously feel like they need to prove that they can get someone other than the individual they are cheating on to make themselves feel better.

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Q: Why would an individual keep cheating on the same person?
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What keeps a man from cheating on a woman.......... REVISION What I mean is what is it that keeps the men from cheating who do not cheat......not how to keep a man from cheating who does cheat.?

nothing can really keep a man from cheating unless he wants to get revenge or he is just a gerk

How do you keep your girl from cheating?

be good to her

What does a man do when his not cheating on his wife or galfrend?

Try to keep your relationship working if you wish to do so. And keep on not cheating-nobody likes to be cheated on.

If you keep on your going to get took?

I would say, it means that if you keep on cheating, sooner or later your going to get caught and very well may have to suffer the consequences for your actions.

Why do women lie when caught cheating?

"Cheating" means to "keep a secret" and my question back is "why do men lie when they're caught cheating?" Both parties are to blame. There are no excuses for cheating although many people will rationalize that there reasons are a totally different case than anyone elses. We all have a tongue in our heads and if we are unhappy in our relationship then we should have the guts to break up with the person we are with and then there is no need to cheat. There are cheaters that want to have their cake and eat it too and some that are afraid if their relationship with the other person doesn't work out they can continue on with the relationship they are already in. Cheating is selfish and it shows a person has no backbone. B: Just like when the husband lie when he got caught cheating.

Your spouse cheating if she had dinner and drinks with a old friend and did not say anything about it?

I feel that if anyone keeps a secret from their spouse about being with someone that they know you would not approve of is Cheating.... If she felt that it wasn't wrong she would have told you. That is plain sneaking around to me... I would keep my eyes open if I was you....

What would be a really offensive quote to tell a husband that is cheating on his wife?

Getting offensive towards a cheating husband does not resolve the problem. If it is the wife that has caught him cheating then she can give him two choices .. seek marriage counseling and stop seeing whomever he is seeing or she will file for divorce. If it's a relative or a friend then they should talk to the husband and tell him that he has a week to come clean with his wife or you will say something, but it would be wise to also let him know others know about his cheating just in case he may seek revenge of his own to keep that person quiet.

Why would you joke about cheating on your girlfriend?

No, you would not. Women do not take kindly to that kind of abuse. Don't do it. Women love it, they find it a challenge so keep it up

How do you prove a boyfriend is cheating?

He will forget about you and he will keep it a secret.

Why would a so called friend keep and lie to you about your husband cheating on you with someone she was responsible of introducing the two?

because she's not a good friend

Why does your boyfriend keep cheating on me?

because he ain yours hon..

Why do you keep wondering what your ex is doIng?

you probly think he/she is cheating on you