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Here are a few areas to check (in no particular order): * pump may be broken (it does happen, even on a new pump once in awhile) * there is inadequate/poor power connection (check connections to ensure good power contacts) * there is low or fluctuating line voltage (verifying line voltage at the pump is adequate especially on hot afternoons and as other systems cycle on/off like air conditioning/heat pump) * air flow may be inadequate (make sure pump has small open area around it to allow for air flow) * the pump may be clogged (change/clean filter and disassemble/clean to ensure no debris or other material is in the impeller or flow path) Hope this helps ...

Also check for leaks, loose pump lid, old lid gasket, inadequate water level in pool, improper wire size for the length of wire run, pump is in a shed with no or inadequate ventilation, pump too large for the system.


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Q: Why would a one year old pool pump be overheating?
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Year, make and model would help.