because sometimes a girl has the mind of a boy but the body of a girl.
A girl cannot become a boy. You were born a girl/boy, that's it. You're that for life.
become a goth that likes boy stuff but secretlylove girl stuff
The Boy Who Would Be Queen
If they are a girl they would want to suck every men's !@#$ if they are a boy they would want to !@#$ every girl in the world.
Yes Plusle is always a girl if you want a boy then it would have to be Minun
Not really usually when your in high school you would want a boy friend
because she would not want to show her emotion around him
For the same reasons a boy marries a girl. Establishing a relationship with someone you care about and want to spend the rest of your lives with.
Become her best friend, then ask her out.
It is possible that the boy did something inadvertently that caused the girl to hate him. Or that she hates him cuz she has feelings for him but she doesnt want him to know
Most girls would want, kindness, hot, and smart.
Most girls would want, kindness, hot, and smart.