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Because of California laws.

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Q: Why wont some online dealers sell guns to California?
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Many dealers online sell cheap cars. The best thing to do is to look for dealers in the area you live and find them online and see if they sell online.

Where can one sell used guns online?

The sale of guns online is regulated by the Federal Government. Therefore in order to sell guns online, a person must contact a dealer with a Federal Firearms license in order to sell them. Guns America and Gun Broker are 2 places where one may sell guns online.

Where can you sell guns online?

Where do the guns go after they are made?

First they go to a manufacturer's warehouse. From there they are sent to distributors who then sell them to dealers, who, in turn, sell them to customers. Government orders of guns may be shipped directly to army arsenals bypassing distribution channels.

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You can sell silver bullion at precious metal dealers, pawn shops, online marketplaces, and some banks.

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The internet. There are many online Airsoft stores that sell Tokyo Marui guns.

What airsoft guns are in the store of Dick's Sporting Goods?

Dicks sells air guns and rifles differently in each state. As an example they will not sell any air guns / rifles or bow & arrows in California. In other states they may sell a full line of BB guns.

What are the different types of auto dealers?

There are three types of auto dealers. Wholesale dealers sell to wholesalers and auto dealers rather than to the general public. Retail auto dealers are allowed to sell to auto dealers like Wholesale dealers, but they can also sell to the public. Finally, Auto brokers are allowed to sell autos on behalf of a customer (consignment).

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There are a wide variety of dealers, from national chains to whole in the wall stores that look like they sell stolen merchandise. The better business bureau can steer you right at

Where can I purchase used Ford pickups in California?

California has several hundred dealers which sell used Ford pickups. and will both help you find a dealer in you area.

How many vehicles can you sell in Maine without a dealers license?

You can sell 4 in a 12 month period without a dealers license. Sell that 5th vehicle and you need a dealers license.

Can someone without a dealers license buy and sell several cars in a month even if they put the car in there own name In the state of California?

If you sell even 1 car for a profit you need a dealers license. If you are selling them at a loss then you need no license but what would be the point of that.