Maybe He Just Isnt Ready. Take A Stand U Try And Kiss Him If He Pulls Away Dont Be Offended Just Ask Him Whats On His Mind .
maybe because he think that your not ready
hes a virgin
just bend down or kiss while sitting down
<br><br>make a wish:<br><br>
It's just not worth it.Or ask him do you love me if you do kiss me.
say that you wont kiss him tell him you want something first or it can be a hug either one
I think you guys should kiss in front of your friendsso that when its all over, it wont be as awkward
i wont because i am a girl but she already has a boyfriend and Selena is 19 Justin is 17
when he treats you like he dont want you no more.When he wont kiss you in public, wont hold you anymore, and if he goes to school with you he wont sit or talk to you when you want.
if u feel comfortable and u wont to kiss him then do it but if u don't feel comfortable then wait and it also depends on the scenario
If he does not kiss you ever, then he is not that into you. However, you may be expecting kisses in public places where he would rather not do so. Pay attention to his actions and what he says to make sense of it all.
Just look into her eyes, and kiss her with passion. Ok I totally agree. My boyfriend has no guts so he wont kiss me and we've gone out for 3 months! Don't be like him, go in for it and kiss her! Believe me.... she will be happy you did.