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they weren't citizens so they weren't allowed

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Q: Why weren't slaves allowed to know their own birthdays?
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How did slaves know their birthdays?

I assume they just figured them out somehow.

When were slaves allowed an education?

The postbellum United States was a very unfriendly place for freed slaves. Many Freed slaves actually stayed on their plantations (where they were certainly not educated) due to the difficultly of finding employment in an incredibly prejudiced society and the relative sercuity they had on a plantation. Of those slaves that did leave the plantations many moved to cites where they became the urban poor. In short aside from isolated attempts from the Freedmen's Bureau(established by the radical republicans and almost as quickly abolished by the consecrative Andrew Johnson) freed slaves were not educated

When was gods real birthday?

They have no birthdays because they never age. If they did have birthdays nobody would know.

Are Muslims allowed to celebrate birthdays?

No, Muslims are not allowed to celebrate birthdays. This is a haram. This would be idle worship. Muslims only worship Allah and no one else. kasey7866's answer muslims are not allowed to celebrate birthdays is because it is following the christians ..... some muslims belive and know that by celebrating birthdays it cuts of one year of your life......... thankyou Vesperian Mage's answer: I come from a muslim family and we all celebrate our birthdays, it's not not allowed (if that makes sense). It usually depends on the manner how you celebrate. Eg: Muslims do not go to clubs and pubs and throw wild parties and stuff. Some muslims either have a birthday party at home where they invite close friends and family and others prefer to eat out in a resturaunt. (just simple and nice:]) Though the older people tend not to celebrate their birthday's, a portion of the above answer explains that. Thank you.

Why did slaves not know their birthdays?

During the time of slavery, the slave owners (especially plantation owners) kept meticulous ledgers recording the births, deaths, weddings, sales, etc. of their slaves. After the end of slavery, the slaves had no access to these records before they dispersed throughout the country. And since they had no calendars on which to mark these events, they had no way of knowing these dates for themselves.

What are the birthdays like in Vietnam?

It depends on the family and their beliefs and traditions. I know someone from Vietnam and they do not celebrate birthdays, but they say they know some people that do, just like us.

What countries use monarchy government?

if you werent so supid you would know!

What is the theme 11 birthdays?

The theme of "11 Birthdays" is friendship, magic and forgiveness. The genre is fantasy if you wanted to know that too. :)

In the book Stargirl how does she know when peoples birthdays are?

She looks in the newspaper

Did harriet know how to read and write?

No, she did not learn how to read or write because none of the slaves were allowed to be taught in case they used it for communication to escape.

When is David Archuleta's brother and sister birthdays?

Honestly, I don't know.

How did the Nazis know that all of the Jews where still in the Concentration Camps?

they werent, some jews were hiding