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Very vague question. If you mean in general, then sometime during some thousands of years ago, men and women were hunter gatherers. With the first Agricultural Revolution, though, came harder work yet more food. This harder work required stronger people, generally the males. Progressively, women's jobs became looking after babies, cooking, maintenance, etc. due to the lack of outside jobs they could have, so women were secluded inside their houses often. Women were then seen as the weaker sex, bringing on an onslaught of events, like a domino effect. Basically women were seen as useless and became objects to be proven useful where they could be useful, ie. sex, marriages into wealthier families, babies,etc.

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Q: Why were woman discriminated against?
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If you are a woman and are performing the same job functions as a man in a similar position, but he is getting paid more for his work; then you are likely being discriminated against because you are a woman. Originally, the justification was that the man is supporting a family, while the woman is just adding a secondary wage to her family's income.

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