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The slave owners so mean to slave because of their skin color that's why and they

thought they were different.

Also beating the slaves showed power and dominance over them. And beating slaves, and pushing them to their maximum efforts proved for them to be cheap and efficient. Another reason why a slave owner would be cruel to a slave would be to take out some anger or for hobby/sport, or for some other emotional to psychological reason.

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Slave owners were motivated by economic gain and the desire for control. They used violence and intimidation to maintain power and exploit the labor of their slaves for profit. The dehumanization of slaves was also used to justify and uphold the institution of slavery.

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Why did many slave owners believe it was okay to keep slave?

Many slave owners believed it was okay to keep slaves due to economic interests, social conditioning that normalized slavery, and beliefs in white supremacy. They often justified their actions by citing social norms, biblical interpretations, and the idea that enslaved individuals were inferior and needed to be controlled.

What is the purpose of the slave huts on a plantation?

Slave huts on a plantation were used to house enslaved people who worked on the plantation. These huts provided basic shelter and minimal living conditions for the enslaved population, allowing plantation owners to control and exploit their labor.

Why were so many slaves packed on board the ship?

Slaves were packed tightly on board ships to maximize profits for slave traders by fitting as many individuals as possible in a confined space. This inhumane and brutal treatment of slaves was a way to increase the number of slaves transported while minimizing costs for the traders.

Why did plantation owners have so much free time?

Plantation owners had free time because they had slaves performing labor on the plantations, allowing them to delegate tasks and focus on other aspects of managing the estate. Additionally, plantation owners often had access to wealth and resources that enabled them to pursue leisure activities and social engagements.

Why did the slave traders treat the slaves on the middle passage like cargo if they needed the slaves to live?

Slave traders viewed slaves as property to be bought and sold for profit. Treating them as cargo was a way to maximize their own financial gain. The inhuman conditions on the Middle Passage were often justified by the mindset that slaves were expendable and replaceable.

Related questions

Why did slave owners kill their slaves?

because if you were under the age of 21 you weren't free so owners killed slaves to keep them as slaves

How so slave owners justify the treatment of slaves?

Racial Doctrine. (Blacks inferior to Whites.)

Why did many slave owners believed it was okay to keep slaves?

so that they can help them in manual work

Why did slave owners like the slaves to sing?

so that they could know if a slave was or was not there, or to see if they were eating the things they may have been picking.

Could slave owners free their slaves from slavery?

Yes, slave owners could choose to free their slaves by granting them emancipation. This was done through legal documents or sometimes by setting them free in person. However, many slave owners chose not to do so due to economic, social, or ideological reasons.

Why were slave codes passed?

Slave codes were created to give status of slaves and the rights of masters. Slave owners would have absolute power over theses' slaves if they have these codes.

Why did slave owners believe there was such a need for slavery in the US?

Slave owners saw an opportunity to capitalize on free labor. They wanted to make more profits, so they didn't pay wages to slaves.

Why was john browns raid on harpers ferry important?

So that the slave owners would a lesson on keeping slaves

What happened because slave owners feared resistance by slaves?

States passed slave codes and slave laws. These laws kept the slaves in a subordinate position and made it so even a free slave could be captured and sent back into slavery.

How do slaves go to jail?

they went to jail because white men had slave baby with them so they went to jail cause there are not supposed to have a relationship with the slave owners

Why did the slave owners want the slaves to marry?

Slave owners wanted slaves to marry so they could produce more children to increase the labor force and ensure the continuation of slavery through generations. Marriages also helped to maintain social order and stability among the enslaved population.

Why did slave owners work slaves so hard?

Slave owners worked them to the extreme basically because they didn't care. Their opinion was, "Hey, I'm already turning in an enormous profit so what's one less slave?" Slave owners unfortunately thought of the slaves as property, not people. Replacements were arriving at the ports weekly so a few deceased ones didn't matter. Slavery is definitely one of America's saddest chapters in history due to the sheer number of deaths.