Because students are not allowed to use cell phones at school. One reason is because who knows if they are text messaging during school session and they get a F on their test. They also might be calling during break when they are not supposed to.
cell phones are a destraction from your work.
Because marijuana is illegal and is considered a gateway Drug.
73.7% Of People Agree That Cell Phones Should Be In The Classrooms Of School.
Cary Grant
Yes because if they have changed
why was hernando cortes expelled from school
It's like an Adult School. People who didn't pass high school, or was expelled, they enter continuation school.
he was 15 when he was expelled
yes she may just because she got expelled from that one school does not mean that she is expelled from every school
Anything can be stolen at school. Cell phones can be stolen at school, but it is against school rules and the law, so even though it isn't allowed, it can happen.
They distract people from learning.