Due to its low level of culture, and due to the natural strength of the black people.
When slaves were taken from Africa to America, it is important to remember that slavery was endemic across the WHOLE world. Slavery has been a pat of human culture since ancient times and did not only apply to black people. In Roman times most slaves were white and came from Europe.
The particular slave trading that took black people to America was one of convenience and need. There was a triangle of ship travel from Europe laden with manufactured goods to exchange for slaves in Africa (slaves sold into slavery by black people). Across to America where the slaves were sold to work in sugar or cotton plantations (because there were not enough people there to do the work). Then back to Europe laden with Sugar and Cotton, to sell for money.
Europeans sought slaves from Africa due to the existing slave trade networks, high demand for labor in the Americas, and perceived physical ability of Africans. Additionally, African rulers and traders participated in the slave trade, exchanging captives for goods. This led to the transatlantic slave trade, with millions of Africans forcibly taken to the Americas.
No, most slaves did not come from Europe. The majority of slaves were taken from Africa and brought to the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade. This was a brutal and forced migration of millions of Africans who were enslaved and forcibly transported to work in the New World.
The Dutch bought slaves from various countries on the west coast of Africa, mainly from present-day Ghana, Benin, and Angola. These regions were major suppliers of slaves during the transatlantic slave trade.
Slaves were captured from various regions in West Africa, including modern-day countries such as Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola, among others. They were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas to work on plantations and in mines.
West Africa
Slaves were forcibly brought to the New World from different regions in Africa, with significant numbers coming from West and Central Africa. The transatlantic slave trade introduced slaves to regions like the Caribbean, South America, and North America, contributing to the diverse ethnic makeup of these populations.
The Europeans landed in Africa and bought slaves from Africa. They brought the slaves to the colonies in America by ship.
because it is a hot place and poor people lived there
Slaves from Africa.
what was the return to Africa like for the freed slaves this is not an answer.
Europe got slaves from Africa by the triangular trade. Europe traded with Africa, Europe gave Africa guns, rum, gunpowder, and tools. Africa traded back with slaves
West Africa
Liberia was an experiment about restoring slaves to Africa.
How indian slaves were brought to South africa?
to make a homeland for freed slaves in Africa
Lincoln had little to do with the requirement to send all freed slaves back to Africa. The experiment of Liberia took place before he was president.
to return slaves to Africa