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1. Cells are limited by the resources available to them. 2. The cell has to efficiently transport nutrients into it. 3. Because cells try to maintain a certain size, at some point they can no longer grow larger and they make the decision to divide. [For single-celled organisms like bacteria, algae, or yeast, this decision is mainly based on the availability of food.] 4. For cells that are part of a multicellular organism (like you are!) the decision to divide is more complex. There usually isn't a shortage of nutrients, but there may be a shortage of space. [For multicellular organisms, it would be bad if cells divided uncontrollably. In fact, uncontrolled cell division is what cancer is.] 5. They must receive signals from cells around them to divide and check if the DNA is damaged.

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Q: Why there are limits on the size of cells?
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What single factor limits the size that most cells are able to attain?

The cell membrane is the answer! Thanks for asking!

What limits most cells to a very size?

The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.

What limits most cells to a small size?

The surface area-to-volume ratio of the cell.

What is the major cause for the size limits for certain types of cells?

the need for surface area

What limits most cells to a vary small size?

surface tension of plasma membrane

What limits the size cells?

cell size is limiteb by the ratio of the suface area to volume as the cell becomes longer this rate decreases at some size a cells suface area will become too small for materials to enter the cell quickly enough to meet the cells need

Why do the cells don't grow to enormous sizes?

Lack of active transport. Diffusion rates sets size limits.

What is a cell with a surface area and limits the cells size called?

A cell with a surface area that limits its size is called a small cell or a cell with a high surface area-to-volume ratio. This ratio influences the efficiency of nutrient absorption and waste elimination in the cell.

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Why are cells very small explain the limits the size of the cells?

It's called the square-cube law. If an object (such as a cell) increases in size [say doubles] then its volume (or mass) goes up by the cube of the size, but its surface area increases only by the square of its size. Thus a doubling will produce a 4 fold increase in surface but an 8 fold increase in mass. Since cells depend on diffusion of molecules through its surface, it can outgrow its ability to acquire new materials (or to get ride of waste. This rule also limits the size of insects (actually all animals).

What limits the size of the cell?

cell size is limiteb by the ratio of the suface area to volume as the cell becomes longer this rate decreases at some size a cells suface area will become too small for materials to enter the cell quickly enough to meet the cells need

What limits the size of a squid?

Prey size and availability.