Because your paying more attention to your cell phone then your teacher who is trying to teach you important things you will need later on in life (and a cell phone cant teach you anything worth a flip)
Cell phones should be used during school because what if a student is getting bullied or is in deep trouble they could use their cell phones to call for help.
Cell phones should be banned in classrooms as it distracts a student fro his primary objective which is school education.
Maybe if they walk to school. but not really
student should use cellphone in school because there are many reason that should allow to used it .
73.7% Of People Agree That Cell Phones Should Be In The Classrooms Of School.
because teachers dont want you to txt on them in school
yes they should for emergiencies
Anything can be stolen at school. Cell phones can be stolen at school, but it is against school rules and the law, so even though it isn't allowed, it can happen.
Because it is a distraction.