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because they did not have money and died to josh from someone

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Q: Why some people began to question slavery and the inequality of women?
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Why is slavery a debate?

Slavery is a debate because it involves fundamental ethical questions about the dignity and rights of individuals. It challenges societal norms, historical legacies, and economic interests, leading to differing perspectives on its morality, legality, and lasting impact on society. Debates about slavery often reflect broader discussions on power, inequality, and human rights.

Northern whites who assisted with the underground railroad began to view slavery in terms of?

a question of simple human values

How did the abolution of slavery influence the rise of feminism?

People began to believe the notion "anything can happen"

When did slavery begen and end?

Slavery began sometime in prehistory, and hasn't ended yet in that there are still people living in slavery even though it's officially illegal in most countries.

How did literature aid the antislavery movement?

literature aided the anti-slavery movement by spreading the word of slavery and why it should come to an end. abolitionists began spreading the word, writing books, newspapers. people began to read the books and newspapers and began to help the movement.

Who moved to Kansas in 1855 and began to strike terror in the hearts of the pro-slavery people?

John brown

Why did the Uncle Tom's Cabin caused such a problem for the southerners?

People began to see the immortality of slavery and more people became opposed to it.

How did slavery relate to the Civil War?

Slavery began the civil war

African slavery began in the Americas in the 1500s when began bringing Africans to their colonies in the New World to replace Native American slaves who had died from diseases.?

That's a statement with a question mark at the end...

African slavery began in the Americans in the 1500 when began bringing Africans to their colonies in the New World to replace Native American slaves who had died from diseases?

That's a statement with a question mark at the end...

African slavery began in the Americas in the 1500s when began bringing Africans to their colonies in the New World to replace Native American slaves who had died from diseases?

That's a statement with a question mark at the end...

Who was president when slavery began?

Slavery began before the United States even existed. It began as soon as man found out he could dominate over other men and make them do his bidding.