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because school might end up being longer and if its longer kids wont have time to do homework after school

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Extending passing periods could disrupt the class schedule and potentially reduce instructional time. Schools have specific schedules to ensure an efficient use of time and resources, so lengthening passing periods may not align with these objectives. Additionally, longer passing periods may not necessarily address the root causes of why students struggle to move between classes in the allotted time.

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Q: Why shouldn't schools have longer passing periods?
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Is corporal punishment normal in British schools?

No, corporal punishment is no longer allowed in British schools. It was officially banned in all state schools in 1986 and in all private schools in 1999. Any form of physical punishment of children in schools is now prohibited in the UK.

What is the diierence between Chinese and American schools?

Chinese schools typically have longer hours, more rigorous academic standards, and place a strong emphasis on rote memorization. In contrast, American schools focus more on creativity, critical thinking, and individualized learning. Additionally, Chinese students often face intense pressure to excel academically due to the competitive nature of their education system.

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The family is still a significant agent of socialization, but its influence has been reduced due to factors like increased exposure to media, globalization, and the rise of technology. As society changes, other institutions such as schools, peers, and the media also play significant roles in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors.

What efforts were made to improve education education in the 1830s?

In the 1830s, efforts to improve education included the expansion of public school systems, the establishment of teacher training programs, and the development of standardized curricula. Advocates like Horace Mann promoted the idea of universal public education to ensure all children had access to schooling. This period saw the rise of educational reform movements that emphasized the importance of education for social and economic progress.

Is a 3 day school week a good or bad idea?

A 3 day school week may provide more flexibility for students and teachers, but it could also result in longer school days to make up for instructional time. It may work well for some schools or students, but may not be suitable for everyone due to potential challenges with scheduling and adjustments to the learning environment.

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Do you need high school passing periods to be longer?

Yes u do cause it would be ninja

How are longer passing periods bad?

ya. There is nothing wrong with longer passsing periods. A.Procastianation to get to class(Which may result in being late to class) B.Time to do "bad things" (graffiti, bullying, fighting, etc.)

Should high school students have longer passing periods?

yes because high school student are responsible enough to not take advantage of it and because i am sexy

Why should school passing periods be longer?

Some people take longer in the restroom. Others want more time to get to class. My son has had three detentions already and its the second semester. All of them for tardies as well as one that was for behavior. I want to put an end to these tardies and make school easier and less stressful. Most people just want this time to talk to their friends and hang around for a couple of minutes. If our schools could change at least two minutes it will be less stressful to our children and save our yelling when they come home with the detention. as a child i think it is important for longer passing periods. We need time to socialize in the halls since we won't get it in class. Some of us have to go talk to a teacher, have to walk to faraway classes, go to the restroom, or get stuff out of our really crowded lockers. Doing research some schools have 10 minutes and some you have 2-3minutes

Should students have a longer passing periods?

Yes, students should have longer passing periods because they need time to do their own thing and be rushed to get to class. Going to their locker is a basic need if you have your materials for your next class. Bathroom breaks are needed because getting up in the middle of the class and needing to go to the bathroom can be really disturbing and can cause students to miss out on very important education. Far away classes always happen. During passing period all the students are in the halls pushing and trying to get through and the other students are just pushing and shoving which can cause all of the other students to be late to class. Getting punished for getting to class late is also something that all the students never want. All schools should have at least 7-8 minutes for passing period.

Do kids learn more if they have longer passing periods?

yes, because kids tend to learn more if they dont need to get a drink or go to the bathroom during class and they can pay attention more often

Why shouldn't passing periods be longer?

Most women believe they are long enough already. Anywhere from 3 days to 7 days is long enough to shed the lining of the uterus - to prepare for the next ovulation.

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