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You're old enough legally, just about anywhere, but you may not be mature enough. Marriage is a life-long commitment. In order to make this commitment you need to be able to realistically gauge your life goals and ambitions. You need to be sure of who you are, and who you want to be. Most American 18-year-olds don't have anywhere near that level of self-awareness and wisdom.

Answergood answer above. also you are still growing. 18 is still in the teen years and though it comes with more freedom, you are still maturing. your life isn't in order quite yet. you have just started on your career path, just "let out of your parents cage" and still learning. but this is all just a generalization. there have been very sucessful relationships of people who got married at an even younger age than 18. this all depends on the person and their spouse.
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10mo ago

An 18-year-old may not have the maturity, life experience, or financial stability required for a successful marriage. They are still in the process of developing and may not fully understand the commitment and responsibilities that come with marriage. It is important to ensure that individuals have had enough time to grow and be ready for such a significant life decision.

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Q: Why shouldn't an 18-year-old be old enough to get married?
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