Teenagers should date to explore what they would like in a guy/girl when they get older. If people don't date as a teenager, they might not know what they want in a partner later in life. naw dude teenagers should date to get laid whatever *rolls eyes*
Yes, if you really like her, ofcourse, you don't have to be in love, most teenagers like to date different kinds of girls to see which type they prefer.
Teenagers are pretty much the same the world over so Canadian teenagers are no different than the rest.
It depends. Some teenagers just want to date around, but others can find people that they are truly compatible with.
Teenagers date because they feel as if they are ready for that committment. They want to know what its like to actually be in a relationship. They will say they are in love but they do not know what love is.. Teenagers are on a quest to find love.
A date can be anything for teenagers. Most teenagers, such as myself believe that a date is when I go out with someone and together we spend quality time together just the two of us, or if it may be too uncomfortable then I may go double dating with some friends that are dating.
Yes, teenagers should be held responsible for their actions, but within a framework that considers their age and developmental stage. Providing guidance, support, and appropriate consequences can help teenagers learn from their mistakes and grow into responsible adults.
you should verify what you are asking.
no, let them be independent
yes if he/she puts their date of birth as a teenagers