

Best Answer

The God given right to "keep and bear" arms is inumerated in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, as well as in the constitutions of the vast majority of the states. The Gov't of the U.S. therefore has no right to debar the "keeping and bearing" of firearms by law abiding citizens.

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Q: Why should people in america allowed to own a gun?
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Why people shouldn't be allowed to own gun?

Your question calls for an opinion. My opinion is that people SHOULD be allowed to own a gun.

What things in America should all people be informed about?

recently gun crime has been an issue as people have heard on hte news. people should be more aware of the dangers and maybe think about preventing gun use in the usa as it is allowed more than in other countries.

Should tourists in America be allowed to hire a gun to protect their families from locals?

No. That is a violation of Federal law. Not a good idea.

Parent should be allowed to have a gun in the house?


Are you allowed to own a handgun in America?

In general, yes. There are a few people that cannot legally own a gun, such as a felon, people with certain misdemeanors, and people with mental deficiencies and, a couple of others.

Since when have you been allowed to own a gun in America?

It is a right we have has since the beginning.

Does America sell gun?

Lots of them. Very lucrative business and a lot of people in America have a gun

Why are the gun laws in America bad?

They should not be.

Why are You allowed guns in US?

Because it is a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!! Guaranteed by our Second Amendment!!! <><><> I would have to ask- Why not? Is the average person distrusted to such as degree that they should be denied the right to have a gun? These would be the same people sitting as members of a jury to try you for a crime- if you would trust them with your fate in court, would you not trust them with a gun? America was founded by free people, that established a government OF the people. It is not the government that has rights, it is the people.

Are people in the UK allowed to own guns?

Yes if you have a gun permit.

How old should you be to play with a paintball gun?

That all depends on the individual. I know grown ups who should never be allowed to play with any type of gun.

Should be guns be kept illegal?

guns should be kept illegal because they are unsafe, and we should only give them to people who protect others not just anybody. It'll be unsafe to let anyone manage a gun. Only a person who is in charge of protection should be allowed to carry a gun in my point of view