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Because the police can't be everywhere.

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Q: Why should people have rights to bear firearms?
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Which amendment allows citezens to have firearms?

Second amendment I don't think that the second amendment gives the right to keep and bear arms. People already had that right. The second amendment states that the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infirnged.

What options does Freedom offer?

Freedom offers citizens the ability to vote, bear arms (firearms), equal rights, and the ability to practice religion as a citizen wishes. Reading the Bill of Rights gives more information on the rights of freedom and pursuit of happiness.

What are the admendments to the constitutions?

Freedom to bear firearms

Which amendment says the people have the rights to keep and bear arms?

The 2nd

Do the people of China have the right to bear arms?

No. China has a law called the Firearms Control Law, which forbids the private posession of firearms, even of replicas and fake firearms. Chinese law heavily regulates the situations in which people may carry arms, such as in officially recognized shooting clubs.

Which amendment protects the right to own and bear firearms?


Should US citizens be allowed to carry guns?

The Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of the U.S. guarantees the right to possess (own) and bear (carry) firearms. The consensus, today, is that certain criminal convictions (usually felonies or high level misdemeanors), along with crimes of violence committed with a firearm, acts of insurrection against the USofA, crimes of domestic violence, et alia - disqualify people who have been so convicted from owning and carrying firearms.

What are the rights reserved to the people?

In the United States Constitution natural rights are enumerated by the Amendments. For example Amendments I &II enumerate the rights of speech. religion, assembly, press, redress and the right to keep and bear arms.

Why was the Second Amendment added to the Bill of Rights?

The second amendment is a very important statement on the right to bear arms. It states that " a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." Firearms were important part of living in the colonies and were used to take land from Native Americans, repel attacks, hunt, and protect the family. At the time of the revolution male citizens were required to own firearms for fighting British forces.

What are the bill of rights and what do they promote?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. They state the rights of the people, such as freedom of speech and the right to keep and bear arms.

What are Examples of The Second Amendment rights?

The right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Who has the authority to authorize personnel to bear firearms in any foreign country?
