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Now, if you are getting high to help with stress / depression, a chronic condition, insomnia, etc you have likely made a more healthy choice than a man made chemical that ends with -oride or -azapam!

In most cases you don't need to have too much (2 to 4 tokes) in order to help with pain, depression, insomnia, etc.

If you are using herb just for the sake of getting blitzed out of your mind...maybe talk to a friend about why you might feel the need to do this. Not a great habit. That's still far better for you than drinking alchahol until you are drunk for hours.

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Q: Why should cannabis be legalised?
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When was cannabis legalised in the Netherlands?

Never. By law cannabis is illegal in the Netherlands. You will be arrested and prosecuted if you produce it in amounts intended for sale. However, you are allowed to grow, buy and/or possess amounts for personal use. This is aprox. 4-5 cannabis plants or 5-10 grams of weed or hash.

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Diane Foster has written: 'Should voluntary euthanasia be legalised?'

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Cannabis is not a hallucinogen & should not create such thoughts in your mind. If you used cannabis & began to hallucinate, or have "non-consensual thoughts", then there is something mixed in with your cannabis.