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This is dependent upon who is listening takes it offensively or not. For those that take offense, it could be because of sexual insecurity. To call someone gay when they don't know if they are or not, but claim to not be, will take offense because of repeated interpretation. So far they had to sit there and tell themselves, despite how they truly feel, that "I am not gay!" over and over again. Lying about ones self is very difficult and when someone intervenes and say "you are gay," offense is then taken.

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Q: Why saying gay is offensive?
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How is saying gay offensive to gay people?

It's only offensive if you use it in a condemning tone. It's not the word itself, it's the way it's use and the tone of voice.

Is saying gay offensive?

Using the term "gay" to describe something as negative or derogatory is offensive because it perpetuates stereotypes and stigmatizes the LGBTQ+ community. It is important to avoid using language that is hurtful or disrespectful to others.

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It is offensive. It means you are gay (but it uses a very offensive term for "gay")

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Referring to girls as "dyke" or "lesbian" in a derogatory manner is offensive and disrespectful. It is important to use language that is inclusive, kind, and respectful towards others regardless of their sexual orientation.

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saying its gay isnt exactly funny smh, saying something is gay as an insult is just homophobic so shush

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I don't feel it as offensive because I believe there is GOD, unless you are saying to an atheist; that would be offensive-(but how the hell we're suppose to know?)

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It's a mildly amusing, not very offensive, term for a gay male.

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He is NOT gay!!! He's only hot and people are just jelous!A.People are saying he's gay because he is gay. He told the world right after American Idol.

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Do you mean joke about gay people? Well, as long as it's not offensive then it may be acceptable.

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If it's done to cause hurt or embarrassment, then yes, it's offensive and bullying. It doesn't matter if the person is gay or not. That makes no difference to the offence.

What does gay mean in roblox?

Gay in roblox usually means, 🏳️‍⚧️ LGBTQ+ you get banned for 7 days after saying gay.